Chrome productivity tips and keyboard shortcuts

April 19, 2021
Chrome keyboard shortcuts and tips

If you can master some simple keyboard shortcuts in chrome, you'll become much faster and much more productive. Some of these tips and shortcuts might even save you. Learn how to navigate and use chrome effectively and quickly with these awesome shortcuts and tips.

🗺️ Navigation

Master these chrome keyboard shortcuts to become way faster at navigating tabs and windows in the browser.

Jump to a tab

In chrome, you can quickly jump to a tab by pressing CTRL + i on Windows, CMD + i on Mac (i being the tab index). For example, if you pressed CMD + 3 on Mac, that would quickly navigate to the third tab in your browser. Pressing CMD/CTRL + 9 will automatically go to your last tab, even if you have much more than 9 tabs open. Although, if that is consistently the case, you should try using a Tab Manager.

Switch or shuffle through tabs in chrome with a keyboard shortcut

You can shuffle through or switch between tabs simply by holding CTRL and then tapping tab on windows to shuffle forwards through the tabs or hold CTRL + SHIFT and then tap tab to shuffle backwards. The Mac shortcut is the same OR, you can use CMD + option + right/left arrow to achieve the same effect.

Go to previous/next page in chrome with a keyboard shortcut

To quickly navigate back or forward in chrome press CTRL + [ to go back and CTRL + ] to go forward on Windows. CMD + [ to go back and CMD + ] to go forward on Mac. This is super useful when you’ve accidentally clicked a link and want to quickly go back without clicking the back button in the browser.

Switch between chrome and another desktop app

To quickly bounce back and forth or between multiple apps, including chrome, press ALT + tab on Windows, CMD + tab on Mac. You can hold ALT/CMD and tap tab to keep shuffling through your open apps. Pressing ALT/CMD + SHIFT + tab shuffles backwards. If you just want to switch between two apps, for example chrome and your text editor of choice, just tab ALT + tab on Windows or CMD + Tab on Mac and it will automatically switch back to your previously focused app. This shortcut is very handy for quickly navigating multiple apps or heavily using two apps at once where you need to constantly switch back and forth.

Move your cursor to the search bar and highlight current text

Have you ever navigated to the wrong website? Typed something incorrectly? Or just want to change your search quickly? Well, thankfully there is a keyboard shortcut to quickly snap your cursor focus to the browser search bar and highlight the current text so that you can easily update it.

Simply press CTRL + L on Windows or CMD + L on Mac.

Quickly open a website shortcut

Go to www.{sitename}.com quickly by typing the sitename (For example, github, notion, airtable, etc.) and then hitting CTRL + ENTER and google will automatically add the www. before the site name and .com after the sitename.

Show your browsing history

Right click on the chrome back button, or click and hold the back button.

See page history in chrome
Page history in chrome

📑 Tab Management

Managing and organizing tabs in the browser becomes next to impossible after awhile. Below are some useful tips and tricks to better organize your tabs and to try to keep things in a manageable state. Even saving 5 seconds here and there makes a huge difference. If you want to level up your game one step further, you should try a Tab Manager.

Save all open tabs

With a Tab Manager like Partizion, you can quickly save all of your open tabs and restore them later.

Partizion Extension

Open a new window keyboard shortcut

Quickly open a new window in chrome by pressing CTRL + N on Windows, CMD + N on Mac.

To open a new incognito window, press CTRL + SHIFT + N on Windows, CMD + SHIFT + N on Mac.

Close the current tab

If you’re done with a tab, you can instantly close it with a quick keyboard shortcut. Instead of trying to click the tiny ‘x’ button on the tab, just press CTRL + W on Windows or CMD + W on Mac to instantly close the tab.

Close the current  window

You can quickly close your current chrome window by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + W on Windows or CMD + SHIFT + W on Mac.

Minimize current active window

To minimize the current active window press CTRL + M in Windows or CMD + M in Mac.

Hide Current Window in Mac

To completely hide the current window simply press CMD + H on Mac.

Restore/Reopen last closed tab or window keyboard shortcut

To reopen your last closed tab or window, press CTRL + SHIFT + T on Windows, CMD + SHIFT + T on Mac. This will quickly reopen the last tab or window that you closed — super useful for when you accidentally close a tab or window.

Save your current tab as a bookmark

To quickly save your current tab as a bookmark in chrome, press CTRL + d on Windows or CMD + d on Mac.

Save all your current open tabs as a new bookmarks folder

To quickly save all the tabs in your current window as a new bookmarks folder in chrome, press CTRL + SHIFT + d on Windows or CMD + SHIFT + d on Mac.

Chrome Shortcuts and tricks

These quick shortcuts will help you get to the page in chrome you need to instantly.

Open your downloads page in chrome

press CTRL + J on Windows or CMD + option + L in Mac.

Search all your current open tabs

You can quickly search through your current open tabs with the Partizion search app. Simply open the search with a keyboard shortcut (configurable) and type your search. You can also search your previously visited tabs.

Partizion search your current open tabs in chrome
Searching current open tabs in chrome with Partizion

Quickly find and open a tab from your history

Ever need to go back to or reference a tab that you previously had open? You can peruse your chrome history, or, with the Partizion search app, you can instantly search your previously visited tabs and open the link you need.

Open your bookmarks  page in chrome

press CTRL + B on Windows or CMD + option + B in Mac.

Hide/show your bookmarks bar in chrome

press CTRL + SHIFT + B on Windows or CMD + SHIFT + B in Mac.

Open your history page in chrome

press CTRL + H on Windows or CMD + Y in Mac.

🔓 Chrome Tab Managers

Using keyboard shortcuts in chrome is a fantastic way to increase your speed and productivity while working in the browser. If you’d like to level up your game even more, or just become more organized and focused, you should try using a tab manager. Tab managers are designed to help your organize, find and manage your work in the browser.

Not all tab managers are made equal. You have to be judicious when deciding what tab manager to use. There are plenty of great free options out there, but be wary of ‘free’ extensions — they might not be very privacy friendly and they might include annoying ads. Furthermore, they’re liking to be abandoned after a couple months, and worse yet, they might be sold to nefarious owners who then install malware into the extension.

If you’re looking for a simple, privacy and productivity focused tab manager, try Partizion.

Partizion — a privacy and productivity focused tab manager

Partizion was built for one reason: To help organize your work in the browser. Today, everything is moving to the browser. Keeping track of resources, apps, websites, and tabs has become impossible. Meanwhile, you also have to deal with a myriad of other distractions — if finding a tab, website, or app in an array of 30+ tabs is also added to this, it makes for a very distracting work environment.

Partizion is simple. You split up/partition (where we got the name) what you work on, for example: Work, Personal, School, Side-Project etc. and then create collections of tabs for everything that is a subset of these partitions. For example, you could save all your frequently visited work tools into one collection so they are just a click away. You can use collections to save your work from the day before — hop back in and hit the ground running right where you left off the day after. Collections can be used for anything: todo/task lists, projects, sessions, reading lists, and more.

When you’re ready to upgrade your chrome experience, try Partizion.

📋 Chrome keyboard shortcuts cheatsheet

Save current open tabs as a bookmarks folder chrome keyboard shortcut
Reopen last closed tab or window chrome keyboard shortcut
Quickly close current tab chrome keyboard shortcut
Add www. and .com to chrome search chrome keyboard shortcut
Go to previous/next page chrome keyboard shortcut
Shuffle through tabs chrome keyboard shortcut
Jump to a tab chrome keyboard shortcut
Open your history page in chrome keyboard shortcut
Hide/show bookmarks bar in chrome keyboard shortcut
Open Bookmarks page in chrome keyboard shortcut
Open downloads page in chrome keyboard shortcut

An Essential Tool for
Essentially Anything

Partizion is the most advance Tab and Session Manager extension for Chrome
Partizion the most advanced tab and session manager extension for Chrome. Manage Tabs, Save Session, and find any link or tab with search! Combat too many tabs with Partizion