Getting Started in Partizion

How to use Partizion to save multiple tabs, restore tabs from sessions, and never lose tabs again.

This is a quick and simple guide to getting started in Partizion — the tab session manager for Chrome. If you haven’t already installed the Chrome extension, you can do that here.

Chances are you want to use Partizion to be more productive, feel more organized, and never lose tabs again.

Partizion helps with all of this, and more! We’ll show you how to get up and running with Partizion in less than 3 minutes. If you want to learn more, we’ve linked to more resources at the bottom.


Partizion has a feature called Collections — think of these like folders of tabs.

You can use Collections to save lists of tabs like reading lists, recipes, shopping lists, and more.

You can also use collections as project / task folders.


  • “Fix issue #20 in app”,
  • “Research — Coffee Roasting”
  • “Planning trip to Japan”

each with all the tabs you need for that particular task or project in the collection.

Example of how you can use Collections in Partizion tab session manager
Some examples of how Partizion Collections can be used


Sessions are just like Collections but they are saved for you. They are automatically created when you open a new window in chrome, and all of the tabs that you open or close in a session are automatically saved for you, this way you can restore any session at anytime from anywhere. It’s very handy for never losing tabs!

Sessions can always be turned into Collections. If you see fit.

For example, maybe you were researching running shoes yesterday afternoon but forgot to save the tabs or simply closed the window when you switched back to work. With Partizion, you can simply go into your sessions, restore those tabs and/or save it as a Collection so you can continue your running shoe research (right where you left off).

Checkout our full guide on how sessions work in Partizion.

Saving tabs

If you want to save tabs (either your whole window of tabs, just select tabs, or your current tab) you can do this with the chrome extension popup or within the Partizion dashboard.

Save tabs with the Chrome extension Popup

Click the blue Partizion icon in the top right hand corner of Chrome — if you don’t see it, you’ll need to pin it first: click the little puzzle icon, find Partizion, and then click the pin icon next to it.

How to open the Partizion tab session extension menu in chrome
The Partizion extension popup menu in chrome

Partizion will automatically default to saving the current and the last used location to save to.

If you want to save selected tabs simply select them in Chrome before clicking on the Partizion popup by holding SHIFT and clicking on the tabs, then click the Partizion icon and it will automatically select those tabs for you.

Alternatively, you can click on the “other actions” button at the bottom of the Partizion popup menu and select either “Save select tabs” or “Save current window”.

Then, select where you’d like to save the tabs to and hit Save!

Save tabs in the Partizion Dashboard

Click on the New Collection button or the Add tabs button (within a collection) to open the add tabs menu in Partizion. From here you can select tabs to save and whether or not you’d like to close them after saving. Super simple!

Restore tabs and pickup where you left off

How to quickly switch context (and tabs) in Partizion tab session manager
Switch contexts (and tabs) in one click with Partizion

If you want to switch contexts or pickup where you left off you can restore tabs in Partizion in one click.

Find either the Collection or Session that you’d like to restore and click “Open” to open the tabs (holding SHIFT to open in new window) or the “Switch to” button which will close your currently open tabs in that window and replace them with the tabs in the Collection/Session.

You’re ready to go! Enjoy never having to worry about losing a tab again.

Other useful links

The Partizion website —

App guides —

Partizion Youtube channel —

Manifesto; why we built Partizion —

Changelog —

Advanced features — checkout Partizion auto-updating tab collections

Our guide to taming too many tabs —